S9:E38 Angels (9/20/16)

September 20, 2016 – Faith & Society: Angels – What Are They, Really?

Season 9, Episode 38

Up angelsthere, in the sky, is it a bird, is it a plane, is it Superwoman?  Or maybe, it’s an angel…!On this episode of Friends Talking Faith with The Three Wise Guys we’ll discuss faith and Angels. Guardian Angels?  Angel on my shoulder?  An angel on earth? Angels are part of everyday speech for many.  But what exactly do we mean when we talk about Angels?  Are they otherworldly, supernatural beings?  Or are they very much a part of the natural world – ordinary people who act in extraordinary ways? Also, today’s guest brought some Angels to earth for a very special purpose following the Pulse Nightclub massacre in Orlando.  We think he may be an angel. Angels, a frank and honest discussion – and a conversation with Jim Helsinger and his Angel Project – all of that is coming up on this installment of Friends Talking Faith.

(About the picture above: Both Angels and Bikers protected the “Pulse families and friends” as they attended loved ones funerals — shielding them from the horrendous hate group that tried to disrupt. Pictured above is friend of the show, The Rev. Michael Fronk, Chaplain at Stetson University – an angel, indeed [sketched by a dear friend of his]. Our love and prayers surround him as he is facing serious health concerns right now. We couldn’t think of a better picture for this show. God bless you Chap!)
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