S9:E15 SexTrafficking (4/12/16)

April 12, 2016 – Faith & Society: Child Sex Trafficking in the United

Season 9, Episode 15

joel_thumbIt’s called the JuST Faith Summit, and it’s happening in Central Florida in just a few days On this episode of Friends Talking Faith with The Three Wise Guys we’ll discuss faith and child sex trafficking. Here’s a direct quote from the website:

“A national epidemic has been ignored for too long, a dark addiction fueled by instant access to pornography, spawning a commercial sex industry that is consuming our children. And everyone pays the price—the child whose innocence is stolen, the man who can’t overcome his addiction, and the society that bears the loss of both.”

We’ll be joined today by Dr. Joel Hunter (pictured here) of Northland, A Church Distributed. We’ll talk with Dr. Hunter about an upcoming summit being held in Central Florida bringing people together from around the nation – THE GOAL: to equip people of faith to stop the blight of child sex trafficking in the US. Dr. Joel Hunter, the JuST Faith Summit, and putting an end to child sex trafficking. That’s coming up in just a moment on this installment of Friends Talking Faith. Click below for more information on the Summit!

JuST Faith Summit

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