August 18, 2015 – Faith & Religion: Children and Multi-Faith Families
Season 8, Episode 7 — “Children in America” Series (3 of 5)
The challenges can be significant! On this installment of Friends Talking Faith with The Three Wise Guys — in our third of a five program series on Children in America — we discuss faith and children of multi-faith families. When parents from two different faith traditions get married, and decide to have children, how do they determine issues of faith in regard to the children? Is there a right and wrong way to work this out? We discuss this with an extraordinary faith leader. She’s a Christian minister and has some very unique experiences and ideas when it comes to interfaith issues and multi-faith families. The Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper (pictured above) talks with us about raising children in multi-faith families. Join us for that conversation on this Friends Talking Faith episode.