August 11, 2015 – Faith & Psychology: Children and Grief
Season 8, Episode 6 — “Children in America” Series (2 of 5)
They experience grief and loss of loved ones close to them at an alarmingly high rate. On this episode of Friends Talking Faith with The Three Wise Guys — in this, the second of our five part series on Children in America — we’ll discuss faith and grieving children. Unless we deal with it every day we probably don’t know that one out of every 20 children in America, aged fifteen and younger, will suffer the loss of one or both parents. In a study of 11- to 16-year-olds, 78% reported that at least one of their close relatives or friends had died. And in a poll of 1,000 high school juniors and seniors, 90% indicated that they had experienced the death of a loved one. We’ll hear from an expert today in childhood grieving, and learn what all of us can do to help ease the pain of children who have experienced significant loss. Dave Joswick (pictured above) Executive Director of New Hope for Kids will talk with us about children and grief. That conversation is right here, on Friends Talking Faith.