S7:E3 Lawyer (1/20/15)

January 20, 2015 – Faith & Society: Law and Faith

Season 7, Episode 3 – Series: Race Relations in America, Where Are We Now? (2 of 4)

Rev. Girley 1Where does the law and faith intersect in the continuing conversation on race relations in America? On this episode Friends Talking Faith with The Three Wise Guys we’ll discuss faith, race, and the law. In this, the second in our four-part series: Race Relations in America, Where are We Now?, we’ll be joined by an African-American lawyer and preacher. We’ll ask, “do faith and the law find common ground?” as together we consider the heated national conversation sparked by incidents in Ferguson, Missouri — New York City — and other places. We’ll also discuss how our faith traditions inform us when it comes to dealing with racial tensions. The law, race relations, and faith. On this installment of Friends Talking Faith.

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