October 22, 2013 – Faith & Society: Genocide and Righteous Gentiles
Season 3, Episode 4 (Kristallnacht, 1 of 3)
In this program we begin a three-part series around themes related to Kristallnacht. In this discussion: faith, genocide, and “the righteous of the nations.” In November, 1938, thousands of synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses were vandalized and burned throughout Germany and Austria. Kristallnacht – or “Night of Broken Glass” – became a turning point in Hitler’s personal war against the Jews and other groups of people. Between 1933 and 1945 an estimated 11 million people died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Germany – over 6 million of those were of Jewish descent, one and a half million were children. But there were also heroes who stood against these atrocities – often inspired by their faith, to do so. Listen now and be a part of this important community-wide conversation…